Ban the Export of Wild Ginseng to China!

Due to concerns of overharvesting wild ginseng roots for international trade, this species was included in Appendix II of the CITES in 1975. But, export availability has drastically declined in recent years.

The declining export highlights the growing challenges faced by the wild American ginseng industry, signaling the necessity for both domestic and international efforts to reverse this trend and revive the ginseng market.

The never-ending increasing demand for wild American ginseng in international markets has led to Out of Season Illegal Harvesting, threatening its survival and the biodiversity of the ecosystems it inhabits. By banning (even temporarily) the export of wild American ginseng, we protect this irreplaceable treasure from the brink of extinction, ensuring that future generations can continue to partake in the ecological and cultural benefits it provides.

Sign the Petition

The petition is open until the end of May 21, 2024.

Add Your Public Comment

Based on the Ginseng Summit 2023, the North Carolina Ginseng Association has voted to produce a Public Comment with the USFWS to urge the agency to request a reclassification of American Ginseng at the CITES 2025 Meeting.

“Request a reclassification of American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, from Appendix II to Appendix I.”

Share Your Comment Before May 21, 2O24

(1) Electronically: Using the QR Code above or Federal eRulemaking Portal Link:, docket number FWS-HQ-IA-2024-0033.

(2) U.S. mail: Mail comments to: Public Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-HQ-IA-2024-0033; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: PRB (JAO/3W), 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.

Learn More About Wild American Ginseng + Sign the Online Petition at